
Publications, Meeting Resources, and more!

IAHLA carries out research and develops publications intended to support member institutes and advance Indigenous education in BC.

Our resources

IAHLA’s research and publications are intended to collect and share information to provide a better platform for planning, both at the institute and the provincial level.  IAHLA research also contributes to the understanding that Indigenous adult and post-secondary institutes have unique needs and achievements.


This annual report summarizes the activities
that IAHLA undertook in the 2022-23 fiscal
year. These activities were supported with
funding from the Department of Indigenous
Services Canada (ISC) and the BC Ministry of
Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills
(PSFS). IAHLA appreciates this ongoing financial
support for our work.

IAHLA Annual Report 2021-2022

This annual report summarizes the activities that IAHLA undertook in the 2021-2022 fiscal year. These activities were supported with funding from the Department of Indigenous Services Canada and the BC Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training. IAHLA appreciates this ongoing financial support for our work.

Pathway of Well-Being: Aboriginal Health Bridging Toolkit (2013)

This Toolkit defines a sample Aboriginal health bridging program by laying the groundwork for communities to use to conceptualize a blended framework. This Toolkit highlights best practices, recommends resources, focuses on Aboriginal pedagogy, and suggests areas of further exploration. Most importantly, it can be used to map out a health care educational program implementation plan. The Toolkit provides a framework, while respecting that each community has unique needs, governance plans and long-range goals which will ultimately influence the actual content of a community-based health training program.

Aboriginal Student Transition Handbook (2011)

This handbook was created to help answer questions and to prepare students for the next step in their education journey. The contents reflect the concerns and struggles of Indigenous students who are currently enrolled in, or have graduated from a post-secondary institution. The handbook covers a wide variety of topics including: finding suitable childcare in an urban setting; accessing affordable housing; and, meeting new people in an unfamiliar city. This handbook is meant to serve as a living, dynamic document to build upon. 

Post-Secondary EducatioN Partnership Agreement Toolkit (2011)

This toolkit is intended to assist with efforts to create and continue the establishment of respectful dialogue and partnership arrangements between Aboriginal institutes, First Nations communities, public post-secondary institutions, industry partners, and the Ministry of Advanced Education. 

It provides background information and sample templates for the creation of agreements that reflect equitable and collaborative partnerships between post-secondary institutions, including Indigenous, public and private institutions.

Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education in British Columbia: A Place for Aboriginal Institutes

In July 2008, IAHLA and FNESC presented to the provincial government a policy background paper titled Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education in British Columbia: A Place for Aboriginal Institutes.” That paper provides information and six recommendations to advance the formal recognition of Aboriginal-controlled post-secondary institutes as a critical component of the British Columbia post-secondary system. The policy background paper has proven to be an effective and valuable document for facilitating consultations with Aboriginal-controlled institutes and First Nations communities throughout BC, and for advancing key issues with government and other relevant stakeholders.


Aboriginal Learning Links

ABORIGINAL LEARNING LINKS is a web portal that provides resources for Aboriginal learners wishing to pursue or continue college or university (post-secondary) studies in British Columbia.

Aboriginal Learning Links is a project of the BC Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education and Training Partners and is maintained by the First Nations Education Steering Committee.

With Us

IAHLA members are Indigenous institutes governed by Board members representing Indigenous communities, and they offer a broad spectrum of courses and programs. The IAHLA Board of Directors has temporarily paused accepting new applications for IAHLA membership. The website will be updated once the pause is lifted.